

Wellness Checks

Occasionally a parent, friend, colleague or instructor who is concerned about a student's well-being asks the Dean of Students office to look into the welfare of a student.

The Dean of Students office can attempt to contact the student via their University email address, and/or contact the student by phone.  The Dean of Students office will use its discretion to determine appropriate outreach to the student.  

Please recognize our responsibility for student privacy and understand we will use our discretion to appropriately contact the student. If you have questions please contact us and we will determine the best course of action given the circumstances.

If you have reason to be concerned about the imminent health and safety of a student, please call the appropriate police department:

University Police Department (on campus students)
(805) 756-2281

San Luis Obispo Police Department (off campus students)
(805) 783-7867

If this is an emergency, please call 911.

If you need to speak with a crisis counselor, please call (805) 756-2511 (24/7 crisis line).

The Dean On Call Program provides faculty and staff with a 24/7 contact to assist with urgent concerns or non-life-threatening crisis situations impacting the student community.

Please click here to access the Dean on Call

(This link will redirected you to the Cal Poly portal Faculty and Staff Training page.)

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