

St. Patrick's Day

Don't Test Your Luck. It's not worth the fine, or headache

This St. Patrick’s Day weekend, we remind all students to celebrate the holiday responsibly and safely. Cal Poly and the city of San Luis Obispo are working together to enforce all laws and policies.

Enforcement & Fines | On-Campus Events | Health & Safety

Criminal activity and violations of university policy will not be tolerated.

  • Police will increase enforcement on campus, in the residence halls and in the nearby neighborhoods.
  • The city of San Luis Obispo will double fines for violations.
  • Warnings will not be issued for parties. Expect a $1,000 fine instead.
  • Charges for damages in University Housing facilities will be doubled.

Out-of-town guests should not plan to come here.

  • No guests will be allowed in on-campus housing.  
  • No overnight visitor parking will be available on campus. 

Students who violate the law or university policies will be held accountable. 

  • The city of San Luis Obispo and SLOPD will report all student arrests and citations to Cal Poly for student conduct investigations. 

Spend St. Patrick's Day on Campus 

  • Cal Poly is hosting a March 15 event for students to spend time together and celebrate the holiday on campus.
  • Students can enjoy music, food and fun, all while being at a lower risk of harming themselves or violating campus and city laws.

Enforcement & Fines

What Happens in SLO Stays on Your Record 

  • Students and visitors who break the law will be held accountable.
  • Cal Poly students who invite guests who break the law may also be held liable for their guests’ behavior.
  • San Luis Obispo Police will report all crimes and violations occurring off campus to Cal Poly’s Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities to be addressed through the student conduct process.  

No Guests in University Housing March 13-18 

  • Guests will not be allowed in Cal Poly University Housing for St. Patrick’s Day starting at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 13, through 8 a.m. Tuesday, March 18.
  • If you don’t live here, you won’t be allowed in — including students who live in other on-campus residence halls and apartments.
  • Guests will be required to leave. 
  • Students will not be able to purchase overnight guest parking permits during this time. 
  • Charges for damages incurred during the no-guest period in University Housing will be doubled.

SLO Safety Enhancement Zones

  • The city Safety Enhancement Zone will be in effect March 7-10 and March 14-18.
    • Friday, March 7 at midnight to Monday, March 10 at 7 a.m.
    • Friday, March 14 at midnight to Tuesday, March 18 at 7 a.m.
  • Fines for noise, unruly gathering, public urination and open container are doubled. A first violation for noise, public urination and open container will be $700, a first violation for unruly gathering will be $1,000. 


On-Campus Events

Spend St. Patrick's Day on Campus

A free event will be held on Saturday, March 15. It is open to all students. Check back for details.


Students talk to staff at a Campus Health and Wellbeing event on the Health Center Lawn.

Campus Health and Wellbeing Events

  • Check in with PULSE to learn about alcohol overdose and when to call for help, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, March 13, on the Health Center Lawn. You can also pick up Narcan, a nasal spray that can reverse opioid overdose.

  • Grab water and food on Saturday, March 15. More details to come. 

Neighborhood Clean-Up

Join Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Center for Service in Action for a Neighborhood Clean-Up on Sunday, March 16. 

Health & Safety

Tips for a Safer Night Out
If you choose to celebrate, do it safely, responsibly and respectfully.

  • Be mindful of behavior that impacts the safety and well-being of your communities and neighbors. 
  • Plan for safe transportation.
  • Stay with a friend, and plan a meet-up spot in advance in case you get separated.  
  • Charge your phone before going out.  
  • Eat and stay hydrated.  
  • Stick to one alcoholic drink or less per hour and avoid hard liquor.  
  • Don’t leave any drink unattended.
  • Don’t mix substances.

Campus Messages

Jan. 24: University Housing Shares Heads Up on St. Patrick's Day


As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, Cal Poly and the City of San Luis Obispo are working together to make sure it’s a safe and responsible time for everyone. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Guest Policy (March 13-18): No guests allowed in University Housing during this time. Only residents can enter their assigned buildings, and we’ll be checking IDs to make sure we’re keeping our communities for residents only.
  • Quiet Hours: Quiet hours will be strictly enforced — Sunday to Thursday (11 p.m. to 8 a.m.) and Friday to Saturday (1 a.m. to 10 a.m.). Expect staff, student leaders, and uniformed personnel walking around residential areas to make sure things stay quiet.
  • Safety & Fines: Be mindful of behavior that impacts the safety and well-being of our communities and residents. University Housing damage charges will be doubled during this period.

Violations of campus and housing policy will be reported to Cal Poly’s Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities and will be addressed through the student conduct process. 

We encourage study breaks as a way to recharge in ways that are safe and respectful, and also support you in finishing the quarter strong.

Univerisity Housing, Cal Poly

Feb. 5: Housing Scoop Newsletter to Campus Residents

St. Patrick’s Day policies in effect March 13-18.

Guest Policy: No guests allowed in University Housing. Only residents can enter their assigned buildings.
Quiet Hours: Quiet hours will be strictly enforced — expect staff, student leaders, and uniformed personnel walking buildings to make sure things stay quiet.
Safety & Fines: University Housing damage charges will be doubled.

Learn more at Cal Poly's St. Patrick's Day webpage

Read the Housing Scoop newsletter.

Personal Safety Resources and Links

  • Rave Guardian: Turn your smartphone into a personal safety device. Download the free app from the Apple Store or Google Play.  
  • Request a safety walk with Mustang Patrol by calling Cal Poly Police Dispatch at 805-756-2281 or through the Rave Guardian app.   
  • Mustang Shuttle runs from 7 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 6 p.m.-12:30 a.m. seven days a week. Download the app to track the shuttle locations. 
  • Learn about the City of SLO's enforcement measures for the holiday at Respect SLO.  
  • University Housing residents are expected to make mature, responsible, and respectful choices as individuals and a community. Review University Housing policies.
  • University Housing reserves the right to prohibit guests at any time based upon operational and/or public health needs. Review Overnight guest information for more details. 

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